∧_∧ ♪~ (´・ω・`) / つ-). directory ♪ ~(,,,_ く ヾ ;''⌒ヽーヽ_)7'⌒ヽ ':;.,___ノ""""ヘ.,___ノ ;wwvvi ;wwvvi ''''"~"”~"~"~”~”''"~"''''"~""~"~"~"~"''"~"''''"~""~"~"~"~"''"~"''''"~""~"''"~" ;;;;;;;...,;;;,,,;;;;; ;;...,,;;;,,,,;;;;;;; wwv;; ;;; (~) ;;;;;;.,,,.,;;,,,.. wvv;;; ※ ;;;;;;;;;.....''''':::;;;; wwv (ヽ||/) ;;;;.,.,..,;;;;:;; ヽ|/
the index, what you first see when viewing the site
directory you are herehelps you with navigation also contains links not found in the homepages navigation
website archivesarchive of old website layouts
resourceshelpful web links + fun links
graphicsa collection of cute graphics i found while surfing the web
about meget to know a little about me
blogblog with daily events and thoughts
imageboardcollage of images i like
games logreviews of games i finished or played
fanpagespages dedicated to the things i like
guestbookan archive of a old guestbook
website profileneocities profile
logslogs that contains feelings and observations
buttonsbuttons to websites i like
more to come soon...(´• ω •`)