Glitter Pink Ribbon

days pass

sun 9 mar

It's been a couple of months since i wrote a blog post but at least i am writing one now lol, so..what i have been up to well it's been the same like last time, college and playing video games (mostly metal gear solid 3) i was set so much assignments but i am getting through them. I have been writing so much I couldn't be bothered to make a blog entry so I have been just writing on my logs page. In terms of my website you can see that I have changed the layout of the blog page. I was getting tired of the old one. It was also unstable as well. I have also changed the layout of the about me page and i really like it so far ~❤ I have also added some new pages which can only be found at the directory page..I really think my website is really coming together. I have made a second website as well, i am hosting it on neko web the url is c13h16n2o2.nekoweb it's just a website where i can experiment more. So what did i do today, to be honest nothing but i haven't been like this for the last couple of weeks, i have working on my assignments for the last past weeks yesterday i finished the last one so i decided to have a rest today, i just made some changes to my website, watched youtube and played metal gear solid 3 and outlast..i also took a nice shower today, tomorrow i will start working on another assignment thats due in two weeks so i still have a lot of time but i am going to start it early anyways, i guess this is it..i think i should start writing more blog entries.

life goes on

thu 28 nov

Hello guys..sorry its been a while hasnt it? ( ̄_ ̄)..i hope all of you have been doing well, i have been doing decently myself ( ̄ω ̄) just spending my time on my studies and other things. Sorry again for the lack of updates, i have been coding the archive page but now i dont really like looks different from my normal pages and well the whole style of my site (#><) , honestly i think i will redo the whole thing, i might start coding my resources page instead. I had college yesterday as well, nothing really happened. It's just like it is always alright but lonely..i am probably the most quietest out of the class, i dont want to talk to my classmates anyways so i just dont say anything ( ̄ω ̄;) class is small as well lol but really dont mind it its pretty nice in opinion, you dont have anyone distracting you..i am also sitting a paper exam in January which supports my point even more. I don't have any assignments anymore for now due to my exams coming up so they will be postponed for now , i have been doing pretty good on my assignments which is a good start to my 1st year..i also have more time now..all i do now is revise for the exam coming up. I was revising today then I played max payne afterwards which was nice, speaking of videogames half life 2 had an anniversary update i am so happy it did, half life 2 is actually my favourite game of all time (´。• ω •。`) ♡ half life 2 was actually free for like two days and also the half life games (including some other valve games) were for sale for pretty cheap..i bought half life blue shift..i own all the half life games now hahaha..i guess this is it..bye for now ( ̄ω ̄)/ i will try to be more active on neocities for sure.

beautiful night

wed 30 oct

Hello blog (* ^ ω ^),sorry i that i haven't been updating this blog..or my site, if you have noticed i have changed the layout for this blog page and the fanpages..I think the pages turned out well (≧◡≦) i have been also working on another page, the website archive is based on wikipedias website layout haha.So these past few days i have been working on my coursework..I also went to my cousins and my dads friends house, it was pretty nice i guess but these visits made me realise something, how really wonderful the night is ^_^❤ its so nice and peaceful, i dont know how to explain it everything just looks better at was just so enjoyable walking back home at this time, i took some pictures lol i like taking pictures.

heres a picture i took..sorry it looks pretty bad (/// ̄  ̄///) :

The sky looks lighter than it was in reality lol.

I also played left 4 dead 2 with mods for the first time:

I dont know why remilias model was so small but it was so funny to me for no reason, she also runs really fast which made me laugh haha.

nothing left

sun 6 oct

First blog entry of october (* ^ ω ^).Well...these past few days i haven't being doing much except doing my coursework and schoolwork which is nice and of course spending the rest playing videogames. I didnt spend this whole week playing anything sadly (; ̄Д ̄) due to my long coursework..However i did spend these last two days doing so..i played resident evil 4, its the only resident evil game i have on my steam account..i play the rest of the games on my ps3,i just prefer to play on my laptop however, my laptop cant run all games so i use my ps3 for that. I can only play the original game to the 6th release of the game and all in between.But i am sad that i am unable to play the 7th game.It seems pretty cool,I have only seen a walkthrough. I think Ethan winters is my favourite resident evil character for sure..the way he sacrificed himself for his daughter in the 8th game was pretty sad (〒﹏〒). I know that most resident evil fans prefer leon mostly since hes more experienced but ethan is pretty cool as well. I think that the fact hes not experienced creates more funnier scenes in the game.I also got bored and played half life 2 lost coast..and i really enjoyed it and i wish that i was able to experience it longer. The game was created to demonstrate the rendering abilities of the source engine and comes free with your copy of half life 2 on steam. I like how this game puts you into the action once you start the game with a simple task that you have to complete..but what i liked the most was the map and the level design, it was really nice,everything about it..i also like how it is set in a seaside town. It would of been nice if this level was added to the actual game.I dont know why but this game left me feeling melancholy..i think its because you spend this short game alone,it kind of made me realise how alone i am truly..i felt really alone that day..and also theres some type of fuzziness throughout the game,the fisherman in the game also exclaims to Gordon freeman(the main protagonist of the half-life series) that hes is getting "all fuzzy round the edges"..a familiar place with a familiar feeling,no wonder i felt the way i did,i will probably play this game over and over again until i get bored of it.I think talk about my loneliness a bit too much throughout my blog entries lol (¬_¬).I think its good sometimes to write about how you feel but not always in depth because this is a public blog after all ( ̄ω ̄;).I only write this blog for myself honestly,its fun to write sometimes and has helped me improve my writing.Anyways,thats it for now..i have college tomorrow and i will try write about my day tomorrow if i have time..,bye for now and i wish the best to whoever is reading this ( ̄ω ̄)/

its been a while

fri 27 sep
Sorry i haven't been updating my site (# ̄ω ̄),i have been pretty busy with school and i have been feeling sick for a while.Nothing really happen these past few days,it has been the same like it has always been.I also have been given some assessed coursework that i have to complete (¬_¬). I didnt go to school on monday but i did go on tuesday and wednesday though,which is good at least ( ᵔ ⩊ ᵔ ).On wednesday,i had two assessed practicals and they went pretty well. One was about chromatography the other was making our own bacterial slides then measuring them using a microscope. I also finally managed to talk to someone ( = ⩊ = ).Anyways,i have no idea what to write anymore..i guess i will end it here.

normal day

fri 13 sep

Nothing really happen today..i didnt do anything important,i just did what i do daily which is nothing.I need to catch up with some homework which i will being doing tomorrow.Well i had collage this week, it wasnt anything interesting,rather i have been more alone these past few weeks.I didnt manage to make..well any friends and i didnt talk to anyone barely.It would be nice to have company throughout the school year however i dont mind spending it alone.I dont get to see my friends from my past school aswell since we both have different timetables even though we have similar courses,which is pretty sad but its what it is.Being alone can be peaceful sometimes but feeling it is the worst.Its not any special experience,i dont talk to that much people general or barely.It was always hard for me to form a meaningful friendship with anyone,i dont even know how i managed to make friends in the end.

a nice day

wed 4 sep

Well today i started my first lessons at college and it was pretty nice...( ̄ω ̄) was really nice learning something after so long especially science. I had to come early today and was late in my first day.. (O_O;) well not really only by a bit since there was bus diversion which took a longer route to get where i needed to go,but no worries since i wasnt the only one aswell and the lesson didnt start yet.The teacher explained the units she was teaching us and then started the lesson,I had chemistry in the nice is that? it was break afterwards and i went outside,the breeze was pretty nice and spent it alone for a bit but it didnt take long for my friends to come to their lessons which was around where my break ended.I had chemistry again for two hours but most of it we didnt spend learning..the teacher was just checking what we wanted to do for university ( ̄ω ̄; ) so some of us can change to the other course if it didnt match with what we wanted to do,which took a while.After that i had a another break where i just met up with my friends and then waited for the next lesson.This time i had a biology and we done a practical which was nice ,it wasnt anything too complex which make sense since its the first lesson..just something a done a lot during gcses and before that aswell..just had to draw a cell from a microscope we set up.That was the last lesson for the day and then i stayed with my friends for a while after that i went home.I have a four day rest until my next lesson which is nice (´• ω •`) ♡,enough writing for now.


tue 3 sep

Yesterday was my first day of college..well it was a induction day,just to get to know the school,teachers,course and try make friends ( ̄ω ̄; ) and i really disliked it.The school is nice and all the teachers seem too but i didnt even manage to talk to anyone expect for my friends from my past school and the girl sitting next to me..well we were forced to talk to eachother and it didnt really take off after that,we went silent afterwards and i didnt talk to anyone after that.It seems that the boys in my class (at the time) managed to friend eachother so quickly and talked to eachother all the way through about almost everything,like they were long life friends..i wish it was that easy for me...i am truly such a loser (。T ω T。).The two girls next to me were also the same..i really felt alone,but i dont really care.I only enrolled to study and go university and was never interested in making friends so i dont mind spending most of the days alone ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭.I spent the rest of the time looking at the posters set up in the classroom and just listening to the teacher talking about the course and the collage.I was so glad when it was done it was really dull and the teacher didnt even give a tour of the school which made it harder to navigate the timetable starts tomorrow,i will try talk about it tomorrow this is it for now.

nothing special at all

fed 16 aug

My days these past few weeks have been the same with little differences to distinguish between them.I didnt do much this holiday unlike my others holidays theses past few years.I just played videogames,watch tv,shower and sleep all theses past few weeks.I do go outside...however due to the riots that broke out in the uk my whole family started to leave the house less often.I have been thinking a lot..about life and the state of our current world.Life is unfair and the world is cruel and i think its time to accept that.I dont understand why people preach about world peace and equality when its something that humanity can never achieve.Where theres conflict there will be war and thats the hash truth.Some people refuse to work on themselves and their flaws so they just end up harming others around them.I guess there had been some improvements in terms of laws like the equality act of 2010 but it feels like people just ignore this and they do.It seems like its all about pushing your own agendas into others and power theses days and its pretty sad honestly but its just the world we live in...anyways sorry for the depressing speech ( ̄ω ̄;) i didnt know what to write today since nothing really happened today so i just wrote about some things i have been thinking about.Well today i brought a physical copy of metal gear solid v: zero ground for my ps3 and i am very excited for it come (´。• ω •。`) ♡ i am starting to really like the metal gear soild series.The story is good and the characters are cool aswell.I really like soild snake and big boss and paz is pretty cool aswell.I dont know why but i really like the ocelot from metal gear solid 3: snake eater,i found him funny lol.Thats enough for today i will try figure something out to write about soon or tomorrow...


wed 14 aug

Its been awhile since i ever wrote on a online blog,i have been busy with school and my finale set of gcses i had to drop most hobbies i had including coding which is why it has been a while since i ever updated my site but it doesnt matter since i have more time this holiday to do things i never got to do back then since i got a longer holiday than usual.I technically finished my secondary education so i need to wait a while until i get into a college/sixth from depending on my results so i have nothing to learn.I have been spending my time playing videogames...a lot of team fortress 2,max payne and metal gear solid... (# ̄ω ̄)...which is pretty nice i guess.I ended up dreaming about games i played during the holiday like left 4 dead,half life and team fortress aswell.I dont really dream that much since i dont sleep well most of the time..but i have been sleeping a little better these past few days. My life has been calm since i dont go school anymore (for now),i didnt talk to that much people aswell but still a decent amount and i didnt have any problems with anyone was just the amount of work i had to do in school and outside school aswell but i got used to it eventally.Now that i think about it school wasnt that bad especially my last year in secondary school it was pretty nice to do school work and i enjoyed most of my subjects,it was also nice talking to my friends and seeing them everyday but now i just feel alone.I still talk to my friends oustide school and when we graduated even but i dont see them that much in real life but it doesnt matter.The holiday at first was brutally lonely and boring but i got used to it and i like it now ever since i realised i had things i had to do like updating my site.Anyways thats it for now i will write more tomorrow.