weather, observations, feeling
last updated: 18/02/25
18/02/25: feeling: alright
today was sunny, it was pretty nice
i played videogames today, after so long..
i have been working on assignments for these past few days so i couldnt
heres some steam screenshots..some old and some new:

this is my 3rd time replaying cry of fear
i remember the first time when i played it..it was very fun but i was clueless
now that i know how to play it, i still find it fun
i guess some things dont change ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
14/02/25: feeling: like always
today was very sunny it reminds me of summer
i dont know how to explain how to how i feel today
i think i dont really feel anything today
i cant help and wonder...but think about a song especially the end its seems to be
a sample from a movie
"People always end up the way they started out
No one ever changes
They think they do, but they don't
If you're the depressed type now, that's the way you'll always be
If you're the mindless happy type now, that's the way you'll be when you grow up"
people dont change, this quote explains what i have been thinking about
these past few days
11/02/25: feeling: the same but hateful
today was dark like always again
weather is almost like a pathetic fallacy of life lol
today i was alone at college and also yesterday my friends didnt come in
that day, its been a while since i ever talked to anyone
if i do talk to anyone most of the time its them trying to have small
talk or asking me for a favour, its all pathetic
i dont even care anymore i have been enjoying these days alone, i know most
people will find it sad but its really not
i was cursed with some type of unbearable loneliness since birth..isolated from the start
its night i will sleep soon since i have college tomorrow
09/02/25: feeling: nothing
today was slightly sunny but it was mostly dark
i didnt feel anything today neither sad or happy
i was tried, i had to go the airport with my whole family to pick up my mum
i was glad to see her again
i am watching house right now while writing this, i just finished season 4
the last episode was pretty sad
i think i should start posting on my blog soon..
07/02/25: feeling: the same
today it was dark like always
i was very alone today and well these past few days, i didnt talk to anyone that much
but for the first time i actually enjoyed it
most of the time i try to act like i dont care about my loneliness
but it really hurts me in some way
but now i dont even feel anything i enjoy it in someway
i am starting to hate talking to people now its just dreadful
people also have been annoying these days, i have been wanting to isolate myself even more
30/01/25: feeling: unbearable lonely
today was sunny for once
i didn't have college today so i slept throughout the morning
i dont know how to explain how i feel..i hate it
i was really lonely
29/01/25 20:41pm:
average webmasters log lol:
*insert something philosophical here*
*insert something edgy here*

29/01/25: feeling: misanthropic
it was another dark day and it was cold too
the true human experience is only suffering
people are unhappy with their lives, we all want to strive for something deeper
27/01/25: feeling: the same
it was raining a lot today..i didnt mind it
had 3 sleepless nights until last night where i finally managed to get some rest
i keep fantasizing my own death...almost all the time
27/01/25: feeling: miserable
it was dark outside today, the sun wasn't out today just a endless amount of clouds
i keep thinking of the past...