Trollface / Problem? / Coolface  - Rage Face Comics

about me (* ^ ω ^)

hello and i go by lain online.I dont really have a interesting life and honestly i am quite of a boring person ( ̄  ̄|||) so i am sorry for the simple web desgin and the short introduction.My favourite colours are pink and yellow and my favourite subjects i done in school are science and sociology (mostly science ( ̄ω ̄;).I enjoy all the science topics however i like physics the best,i dont really have that much hobbies aswell expect for drawing and coding (; ̄Д ̄). Outside my hobbies (and studing...) i mostly play videogames in my free time.I mostly play first person shooters ( ´-ω・)︻┻┳══━一 (other games i play are horror games or other shooter games).My favourite game is the half life series (´。• ω •。`) ♡ i mostly enjoyed half life 2 and half life:opposing force and my favourite half life mod is afraid of monsters.I like single player story games the best than multiplayer games,the only multiplayer based games i play are team fortress 2 and the left 4 dead (i mostly play the single player campaigns..).I also play on my ps3 and i like the metal gear solid series and little big planet the best.My favourite shows currently are azumanga daioh and haibane renmei ♡(。- ω -). I really like cute things i like collecting cute things and is also why my site is decorated like this,anyways i guess thats it....


i found this online,i edited it a bit so its a little different to the original

1) time and date u started this? 30/08/2024

2) asl? no

3) opinions on musicals? i dont like them

4) favorite snack? anything sweet

5) have u ever been in love? no

6) favorite pokemon? sylveon

7) mario kart main? peach

8) tf2 main? scout and pyro

9) do you laugh at youtube poops? not really i watched them a lot when i was younger

10) are you listening to music right now? nothing

11) favorite shape? square,for sure

12) do you believe in astrology? no

13) do you believe in the occult? no

14) opinions on vocaloid? nothing really..

15) would you ever want to be a rockstar? not at all

16) do you easily get stressed? not that much

17) what is/was your favorite class in high school? sociology and science

18) what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol fairy or ice

19) rei or asuka? asuka

20) favorite html tag? div

21) are you religious? yes

22) opinions on nightcore? nothing

23) did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc) haha not really

24) are you good at drawing? decent but not anything impressive

25) do you crack your joints? yes

26) do you read visual novels? no

27) can you sew? yes

28) can you cook? yes

29) most expensive thing you've bought? a playstation 3 lol

30) opinions on cosplay? i dont really care

31) what's your most hated band/musician? i cant think of one

32) are you a dramatic person? not at all

33) what emoticon do you use most? ^_^

34) can a miracle certainly occur? i guess so

35) would you let a vampire suck ur blood? never

36) do you have a celebrity crush? no

37) do you like snow? of course

38) were you really into greek mythology as a kid? not really

39) what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on? probably about a science topic,modern society and the cold war

40) are you good at spelling? not really

41) which touhou character do you like? i like hina and remilia the best

42) do you think there's going to be a robot takeover? hopefully not

43) HAS SCIENCE GONE TOO FAR??!?!??!?! i dont think we reached that point yet

44) would you be an angel or devil? angel

45) sine, cosine, or tangent? sine,for sure

46) do you like licorice? i throught i would but i didnt

47) whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves? i cant think of one

48) what books did you like as a kid? dork diaries and diary of a wimpy kid

49) can you play any instruments? no

50) what song would you want to play at your wedding? not sure

51) do you believe in reincarnation? not at all

52) finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ______ i dont know...

53) have you been to another continent? yes

54) whats your worst habit? not sure

55) favorite vegetable? carrots

56) whats something stupid that scared you as a kid? when tv channels go off air

57) whats one of your guilty pleasures? nothing really

58) would you rather be a ghost or a vampire? haha none

59) what do you fear most? i dont fear anything currently

60) do you sleep with any plushies? no

61) what hobby do you just not understand? i cant think of anything right now

62) do you like the taste of alcohol? no,i dont drink

63) are you a hopeless romantic? no

64) which deadly sin best fits you? i cant think of one

65) which of your physical features do you like the most? none

66) are your ears pierced? yes

67) have you ever been in a physical fight? no

68) where do you buy your clothes? anywhere honestly

69) where would you live if you could live anywhere? the yorkshire countryside,for sure

70) do believe in magic? or is it all a trick? magic is just a trick,its not really real

71) have you read umineko when they cry? you should! no

72) what is the worst chore to do? i dont mind doing my chores

73) what did your parents almost name you? my parents already knew what to name me

74) what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender? i am not sure really...

75) what were your first words? mum

76) what do you want your last words to be? I will know when that time comes.

77) when did you first regularly start going online? when i got my laptop

78) what year do you miss the most? 2016-2019

79) are you psychic? no

80) whats the biggest city you've been to? i live in one

81) favorite animal? snow leopard

82) what web browser do you use? google chrome

83) are you allergic to kitty cats??????????? no

84) do you like energy drinks? not really...

85) would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc i do,but not much

86) when do you usually go to bed? 10pm and longer in holidays

87) how often do you wash your hair? like every two days

88) would you download a car? no??

89) what was your favorite show as a kid? lego friends

90) whats the silliest hat you own? none

91) what album/song do you're feeling angsty? none

92) do you make OCs? not really

93) whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone? nothing

94) do you like fireworks? for sure

95) favorite painter? i am not sure,i like realism painters from the past

96) favorite numbers? i think 20 is my favorite number

97) what genre of video games are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever) first person shooters,i am decent but not the best..

98) time and date you finished this? 30/08/24 at 21:55pm

if you want to contact me heres my email:

thank you for reading ヾ(・ω・*)