08/03/24: changes made to the "blog page", index and "games log page"
15/02/24: changes made to the "blog page"
07/02/25: some little changes made to the index
24/10/24: changes made to the "blog page" and "logs page" added
10/01/25: changes made to the "about me page" and "directory page"
01/01/25: new page added,the "directory page" (first day of the new year ^///^)
24/10/24: changes made to the "blog page" and "fan pages page"
09/10/24: changes made to the index and "not found page" added
03/10/24: changes made to the "games log page" and "fan pages page" added
03/10/24: changes made to the "imageboard page" and "about me page"
12/09/24: new page added,the "games log page"
30/08/24: some little changes made to the "about me page"
25/08/24: some little changes made to the index and "imageboard page" added
14/08/24: new page added,the "blog page" and some changes made to the index
10/08/24: some little changes made to the index
03/08/24: first page has been added! "about me page" is up
29/07/24: "page not found" page has been updated
28/07/24: new layout with a new cbox and guestbook