Glitter Pink Ribbon

nothing special at all

fed 16 aug

My days these past few weeks have been the same with little differences to distinguish between them.I didnt do much this holiday unlike my others holidays theses past few years.I just played videogames,watch tv,shower and sleep all theses past few weeks.I do go outside...however due to the riots that broke out in the uk my whole family started to leave the house less often.I have been thinking a lot..about life and the sate of our current world.Life is unfair and the world can be curel and i think its time to accept that.I dont understand why people preach about world peace and equality when its something that humanity can never achieve.Where theres conflict there will be war and thats the hash truth.Some people refuse to work on their selves and their flaws so they just end up harming others around them.I guess there had been some improvements in terms of laws like the equality act of 2010 but it feels like people just ignore this and they do.It seems like its all about pushing your own agendas into others and power theses days and its pretty sad honestly but its just the world we live in...anyways sorry for the depressing speech ( ̄ω ̄;) i didnt know what to write today since nothing really happned today so i just wrote about some things i have been thinking about.Well today i brought a phyical copy of metal gear solid v: zero ground for my ps3 and i am very excited for it come (´。• ω •。`) ♡ i am starting to really like the metal gear soild series.The story is good and the characters are cool aswell.I really like soild snake and big boss and paz is pretty cool aswell.I dont know why but i really like the ocelot from metal gear solid 3: snake eater,i found him funny lol.Thats enough for today i will try figure something out to write about soon or tomorrow...


wed 14 aug

Its been while since i ever wrote on a online blog,i have been busy with school and my finale set of gcses i had to drop most hobbies i had including coding which is why it has been a while since i ever updated my site but it dosnt matter since i have more time this holiday to do things i never got to do back then since i got a longer holiday than usual.I technically finshed my secondary education so i need to wait a while untill i get into a college/sixth from depending on my results so i have nothing to learn.I have been spending my time playing videogames...a lot of team fortress 2,max payne and metal gear solid... (# ̄ω ̄)...which is pretty nice i guess.I ended up dreaming about games i played during the holiday like left 4 dead,half life and team fortress aswell.I dont really dream that much since i dont sleep well most of the time..but i have been sleeping a little better these past few days. My life has been calm since i dont go school anymore (for now),i didnt talk to that much people aswell but still a decent amount and i didnt have any problems with anyone was just the amount of work i had to do in school and outside school aswell but i got used to it eventally.Now that i think about it school wasnt that bad espically my last year in secondary school it was pretty nice to do school work and i enjoyed most of my subjects,it was also nice talking to my friends and seeing them everyday but now i just feel alone.I still talk to my friends oustide school and when we graduated even but i dont see them that much in real life but it dosnt matter.The holiday at first was brutally lonely and boring but i got used to it and i like it now ever since i realised i had things i had to do like updating my site.Anyways thats it for now i will write more tomorrow.