Glitter Pink Ribbon




hello and welcome to the cute site of sweet ribbon ^_^

hello and welcome to my own personal site,sweet ribbon ❤.I enjoy coding using html and css but i am still learning which is why i created this site,to learn more about this programming language.I am also looking forward to learning more programming languages in the future and improve my site even more if possible .I use this site to talk about my favourite things and things that i enjoy in my personal section of the sites nvaigation,and also for many things aswell.

if you have any questions or problems,tell me by my cbox or guestbook

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heres my button:

site inspired by touhouproject

current status

last updated:05/10/2024

currently feeling: The current mood of llainnn at

last played: half life 2: lost coast

picture of the Month

touhou project patchouli knowledge mug

very cute,it would be nice to own this

last updated:24/09/2024
whats your favourite chocolate flavour? free polls

made with love ❤ sweet ribbon 2023-2024